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Prevention of Sexual or Physical Abuse and Harassment

  • Training and Education
  • Screening and Supervision of Adults Working with Children and Youth

Training and Education

Greater understanding of the complexities of sexuality and abuse will help to establish and protect healthy boundaries and will help avoid situations that could lead to false accusations of abuse. The DRE and the RE Team will oversee implementation of the following education programs:

  • For our children and youth, the DRE and/or RE Team will provide age appropriate information about development and sexuality. Our children must be empowered to protect themselves and report abuse. Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality training will be offered whenever possible for appropriate ages.
  • For RE teachers, paid childcare staff and other volunteers working with children and youth, the DRE and /or RE Team will provide annual training and written information designed to help prevent child abuse, including this policy.
  • For the entire congregation, the DRE/RE Team will provide information on this policy as well as child safety including workshops, Second Hour Programing, and/or written materials annually.
  • For new members of the congregation, the DRE/RE Team will provide a summary of this policy to be included in all new member packets.

Screening and Supervision of “Approved Adults” Working with Children and Youth

All RE teachers and other adults working with children and youth on a regular basis will:

  • Read, understand, and sign the “Child Protection Covenant,” which will include a written attestation of a full understanding of this policy.
  • Complete at least a biannual background check (with the understanding that background checks can be repeated randomly).
  • Complete the Screening Form for Youth Group Staff and Volunteers.

Any other volunteers (e.g. occasional helpers) will read, understand, and sign the “Child Protection Covenant”.

Confidential criminal background checks will be conducted for all paid staff prior to hiring or signing of contract. In the case of paid staff, information will be shared with the Minister and Board of Trustees as appropriate.

Individuals who have been convicted of, are under current indictment for, or self- disclose any act of sexual misconduct involving a child or of commission of child abuse are precluded from participation in the RE program and other children or youth congregational activities.

In addition, this policy encourages any member or friend who has been convicted of, is under current indictment for, or has been involved in any act of sexual misconduct involving a child or of child abuse, to make him or herself known to the Minister or DRE. Other members or friends of the congregation, who become aware of such information, should report this to the Minister or DRE, who will then form a Response Team and decide how to handle the situation. (See “Reporting and Response”).

Adult survivors of child abuse are encouraged to meet confidentially with the Minister before working with children. The goal of this interaction will be for the Minister to help support the survivor in their personal journey, to identify any potential areas of concern in relation to the survivor working with children, and to potentially recognize the survivor as a resource in abuse or harassment incidents, if appropriate.