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Religious Education Safety Procedures

Emergency Contacts

Parents or guardians must complete registration form packets for each minor (First Aid form, Photo Release form, and others). Information collected will include emergency contact names and numbers, as well as any special needs, allergies, or restrictions, to be updated at least annually.

Adult Supervision

Two Approved Adults: Two approved adults should be present in the Nursery, in every classroom, and during any congregation-sponsored children/youth activity. In some instances where unforeseen circumstances result in two approved adults not being present (for example, an unexpected absence of a teacher on a Sunday morning), the classroom door shall remain open and a designated approved adult will circulate outside the classroom area or be within easy reach to provide assistance if needed.


All activities/meetings with children/youth must be conducted in a way that allows visibility, for example glass areas of doors should not be obstructed; curtains/blinds should be open, when possible; door should be open or a window should allow easy observation of the room. Where possible, conduct activities in a public place, with another person within sight and sound of the activities.

Do not send two children/youth with a four or more year age difference to an isolated setting, like an empty classroom, bathroom, or tent.

Bathroom and Diapering

In general, children should be encouraged to use the bathroom before and after classes or other activities so that parents can assist as needed.

If an approved adult needs to take a child to the toilet, they need to be aware of their visibility and the child’s privacy, for example the adult might stand and hold the public bathroom door open while the child enters the toilet stall alone.

Diapering: Two approved adults must be present when clothes or diapers are being changed. The child’s parent can also be recruited to change clothes or a diaper.

Two and Three Year Olds: An approved adult must accompany children to and from the bathroom and inform another adult when this takes place. The adult will assist the child only when necessary. If assistance is needed, the adult must leave the stall door open.

Preschool: An approved adult must accompany preschoolers to the bathroom. The adult will remain outside the stall. If assistance is required, the approved adult should encourage independence but can assist with minimal tasks if necessary (belts, snaps, etc.).

Empty Room Policy

After an activity, an approved adult will ensure that all participants have vacated the rooms.

Expressions of Affection

A kind word of encouragement to a child/youth or a pat on the back can be a small but significant act for both the adult and the child/youth. That being said, adults must use caution and common sense when physically expressing affection toward children/youth.

  • Respect a child's/youth's refusal of affection.
  • Be aware of appropriate hand placement. A child/youth or an observer could misinterpret a pat on the bottom or a bear hug; a touch on private areas (those areas covered by a bathing suit) or a kiss on the mouth is inappropriate.
  • Discipline of any type involving physical contact is not permitted.

Supervision of Children and Youth

Parents and other legal guardians are fully responsible for the supervision of their own children before and after the designated times for Religious Education meetings and all other NWUUC-sponsored events. Volunteer leaders, paid childcare staff, and other members and staff of the NWUUC are not in any way responsible for the welfare of children or youth on or off of our premises, except during those hours specifically designated for childcare or religious education meetings or field trips.

Promotion of any event (NWUUC or other) involving children on NWUUC bulletin boards, newsletters, or elsewhere must be approved by the DRE.

Childcare is provided for “all-congregational” events. Hours of childcare and Religious Education are to be clearly posted for each event that NWUUC sponsors or hosts. Parents and guardians must take responsibility for understanding these hours whether or not they are posted, and must be on time to pick up their children or youth at the end of these hours. Youth (children 12 and up) who babysit for congregational events must always work in groups of two or more and must be supervised by two approved adults. Children under the age of 12 will not be asked to assist with caring for children.

If a child or youth is still in the care of a volunteer care worker or paid staff member after the designated pickup time, the care worker or staff member will bring the child or youth to the parent if they are in the building, or will make every effort to contact the parent. They will stay with the child or youth until the parent arrives or another legal guardian is able to take the child or youth into their care.

Travel Safety Protection Policy

Driving Requirements: In order to drive to a field trip or overnight destination, adult leaders must provide to the DRE license plate number and proof of a valid driver’s license and current insurance (covering injury and loss of life in their vehicle and other involved vehicles should there be an accident).

A background check will be conducted on all drivers prior to transporting minors. Parents will be required to provide written approval for their minor to be transported by a driver under 25. One or more adults should never transport only one unrelated minor.

Parental Consent: Parents or guardians must provide written permission for any offsite trip. For trips involving physical challenge, this should include a clause indicating parental understanding of the risk and releasing the congregation from liability in case of injury or death. Leaders will have emergency information for each minor. This information should include signed parental consent for emergency medical treatment, emergency contact information, and health insurance policy information. This information should be kept on hand at all times during the trip and available in the NWUUC office.

Requirements of Adult Leaders on Field Trips and Overnight Events

No one under the age of 25 may be an adult leader responsible for children or youth on NWUUC-sponsored field trips or overnights. Adult leaders must be a member or friend of NWUUC for at least six months. All adults who volunteer or are paid to work with children and youth must meet the requirements in the “Screening and Supervision of Adults Working with Children and Youth.”

During NWUUC-sponsored field trips and overnight events, one adult shall not be responsible for more than seven children or youth. No fewer than two unrelated adults will be present and awake whenever any number of children or youth are in their care and awake.

No unrelated adult may spend time alone with children or youth during any NWUUC- sponsored field trip or overnight event. This includes sleeping in the same room with children or youth unless other adult leader(s) are in plain sight or within hearing distance of each other. Children under 13 are not permitted to attend overnight trips without a parent or legal guardian. In consultation with the DRE and parent/guardian, children 13 and over will sleep according to their stated gender identity.